The Gazette from Cedar Rapids, Iowa (2024)

i CEDAR RAPIDS GAZETTE, TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1940. Marion News Ernest A. Woolley Named To Council Succeeding Burns Ernest A. Woolley, carpenter for the Milwaukee railroad, was elected -Monday evening as second ward councilman to complete the unexpired term of George W. Burns, resigned.

Councilman Lewis Weis was appointed weed commissioner to succeed Burns in that capacity. The bonds of R. M. Clark, Mrs. A.

A. Schenken and H. B. Leasure, as members of the park board, were approved. Frank Schlueter of Marion and George W.

Krejci of Cedar Rapids, proprietors of the Club Royal, 1195 Seventh avenue, were granted a class beer permit. Consideration of an ordinance for closing parts of Eighth and Seventeenth streets which intersect the Milwaukee railroad was continued until next meeting. Councilmen Weis and J. E. Homans reported the necessity for dikes around oil storage tanks within the city limits.

The companies were given until Aug. 1 to erect such dikes. The mayor reported that 26 building permits, for a total of $25,317.46, had been issued during June. Mrs. Charles A.

Beadle Dies. Mrs. Minnie Ella Beadle, 70, a resident of Marion for 29 years, died Tuesday at 5 a.m. at her home, 160 Eleventh, street, following a long Born Jan. 31, 1870, at Dubuque, the daughter of Broderick and Ann Tiplady Parkin, she was married there to Charles A.

Beadle on Feb. 25, 1891. In 1907 and Mrs. Beadle moved to Prairieburg and came to Marion in 1911. Mrs.

Beadle was a member of Reed's Chapel Methodist church at Dubuque. In addition to her husband, she is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Viola Mekota, of Marion, and three sons, Earl, of Davenport, and Raymond and Edwin, of Marion. A daughter, Eva Elvira, died in infancy. A brother, Thomas Parkin, of Dubuque, and twelve grandchildren and a' great-grandchild also survive.

Funeral services will be held Friday at 10:30 a.m. at the Yocom chapel. Burial will be in the Center Grove cemetery at Dubuque. Friends may call at the chapel. Purchase your picnic supplies, films, cigarets and Gingham Package ice cream early.

We close only from 1 to 5 p.m. July 4th. Owen's Drug Members of the Marion Chamber Commerce and all business men of the city and their employes will meet for luncheon Wednesday noon at the new K. V. cafe.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Richmond and their of Butte, are guests and Mrs. L. children.

Miller. Frank Schlueter of Marion and George W. Krejci of Cedar Rapids Monday, purchased the Doc's Country beer parlor, and will operate the same under the name of the Club Royal. The second and third divisions of the Presbyterian Ladies Aid society Wednesday noon Thomas picnic. Mrs.

Gilbert Voorhies and her father, Frank Godfrey, will go Estherville Wednesday to be gone until Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shore, and Mrs. Arthur Shore and their daughter, Linda Lee, were called Jefferson Monday by the serious illness of Cecil Shore.

The choir of the Christian church will meet -Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at the church for rehearsal. PARAMOUNT 30c TITI HELD OVER Ends Wednesdy Gloriously Together MACDONALD EDDY "NEW MOON" MARY BOLAND GEORGE ZUCCO "POPEYE CARTOON" PARAMOUNT NEWS STARTS THURS. JULY 4TH FOR 5 DAYS new and joyous escapade with the Martys in New York! CANDY HARDY meet DEBUTANTE. M4-G-M Picture a Mickey Rooney Lewis Stone Cecilia Parker Garland JOIN IN THE FUN CEDAR RAPIDS LAUGH WEEK LAST NIGHT--TONITE! PASSENGER EACH AIRPLANE RIDE LAST NIGHT-TONITE! Municipal Airport FLY FORD with Ben in his 14-Passenger Tri-Motored Airplane.

PAGAN' Brine crandpa, grandma and the children and everybody fly! PILOT BEN F. GREGORY FREE! Burning Airplane Exhibition 9:30 each aight. See the famous ship Now en route to N. Y. World's from Mars, over Airport only.

Fair. Mrs. George Dead. Mrs. Lillie Etta Miller, 64, died Monday at 7:20 p.m.

at her home, 1060 Second avenue, after a long illness. Born Dec. 1, 1875. at Monmouth, the daughter of Sylvanus and Emeline Gibson, she taught there for many years. For two years she lived at Portland, before coming to Marion 30 years' ago.

She was married in 1915 at Vinton to George Miller. She was a member of the Methodist church at Monmouth. In addition to her husband is survived by a sister, Mrs. Marcia Reynolds, and a brother, Lewis Gibson, of Monmouth. Five sisters and a brother preceded her in death.

Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Yocom chapel, in charge of Rev. J. B. Clyde, pastor of the Prairie Chapel church.

Burial will be in Oak Shade cemetery. Friends may call at the chapel. Observe Silver Wedding. Observing the -fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.

Laurance S. Dove, members of the Delta Dek club and their husbands entertained at dinner Monday evening in the dining room of the new K. V. cafe. Covers were laid for 14 at a table centered with a wedding cake bearing a miniature bride and bridegroom.

A bouquet of yellow and white daisies and lilies and tall yellow and green tapers in silver holders decorated the table. The evening was spent at the Dove home. Mr. and Mrs. Dove were presented a gift of silver.

Miss Nadine Dove was a guest. E. G. Frederick spent end at the home of then wrecklaw, Milo Tlusty, in Chicago. Mrs.

Frederick, who spent the last week there, returned to Marion with him Sunday evening. Their daughters, Mary and Jean, who were guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C.

Rinard, at Coggon, have also returned home: Good used electric washer, $24.50. Coast-to-Coast Hardware. -Advertisem*nt. Mr. and Mrs.

Ira Winchell and their children, Billie and Pattie, of Sioux City, spent the weekend here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Creglow, been called here by the deathing, Mrs.

Winchell's mother. Mrs. Louisa Runkle, at Cedar Rapids. Mr. and Mrs.

Richard Diederich of- Los Angeles, who have been guests of Marion relatives since last Thursday, left Tuesday morning for their home. Additional Marion will be found on page 14. Sigfred's store open Wednesday night. Special oxford sale 49 pairs white oxfords, values to $4 at E. D.

Crosett of Washington will be in charge of the local Railway Express company office for the next two weeks while Agent Reginald Adams is on a vacation. Mr. Adams and Mrs. Adams' mother, Mrs. Emma Brewer, will spend the vacation with relatives at Webster City.

Order your spring fries for the Fourth from the Hatchery. Mrs. Everett Rhodes with her children, Patty Ann, Bruce and Rodney, of Niagara Falls, N. will arrive. Tuesday evening for a visit the home mother, Mrs.

Florence Scott, her, and her brother, LeRoy Scott, and sister, Mrs. Ivan Gillmore. Dressed hens 20c; dressed fryers, 25c pound. -Advertisem*nt. Mr.

and Mrs. Elton King and their daughter, Karen Rae, of Oskaloosa, returned to their home Monday evening after spending the weekend here with Mr. King's brother, Kenneth E. King, and his family. Mrs.

Floyd Ozburn returned Monday evening from Kansas City, where she was called to attend the funeral of her brother-in-law, Gustav Kiefer, who died at Albuquerque, N. M. Mrs. Clementine Schminke accompanied Mr. and Mrs.


DeF 120 BY NEA SERVICE "That's his famous William Tell shot." day to their home in Moline, Ill. She will also go to Rock Island for a visit in the home of her sonin-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Aubrey, and will be joined there by her brother, Carl Engelhard, and Mrs. Engelhard, of Chicago.

Dry goods, hardware, clothing and mercantile stores of the city will, for the most part, remain open Wednesday evening, and be closed all day Independence day. Mr. and Mrs. R. A.

Dunahoo of Maxwell were overnight guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gordon. Miss Kathryn Voorhies will go to Fairfield Wednesday for a visit with friends until Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Clyde Castle returned Monday from a ten-day vacation spent in the Black Hills. Mrs. Mable Conger of Mobridge, S. arrived Tuesday morning for a visit with her sister, Mrs.

Leonard Burrows. Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Gerstman will Wednesday morning for a week's outing at Spooner Lake, The meeting of the Prairie Union club scheduled for Friday has been postponed indefinitely. Mr.

and Mrs. E. Godwin have returned from Panora where they visited Mr. Godwin's relatives. PEO Honors Miss Turner.

Complimenting Miss Lora Turner, a bride-elect, Chapter CS, P. E. entertained Monday evening at dinner at the Marion Golf club. Covers were laid for 34 at four tables centered by a bride's cake bearing a miniature bride and bridegroom and surrounded by marguerites, the P. E.

O. flower. Miss Turner was presented HEALTHFULLY COOL MORT H. SINGER THE HELD OVER THROUGH WEDNESDAY 2 SENSATIONAL HITS Special Return Engagement IRENE DUNNE CARY GRANT IN "THE AWFUL TRUTH" PLUS- COLMAN in LOST HORIZON COLUMBIA PICTURE THURSDAY 2 BIG HITS! Now a SHIRLEY the New Thrill Screen! on HeartAnne RKO JAMES POPLARS RADIO ELLISON Picture Henry Travers Patric Knowles Slim Summerville Elizabeth Patterson Louise Campbell Joan Carroll HIT No. 2 GENE WENDY RAYMOND BARRIE in "Cross Country Romance" Hedda HOPPER Billy GILBERT Ends Wed.

TODAY PALACE SING LAMOUR HOPE DOROTHY CROSBY TO Plus CESAR ROMERO in "THE CISCO KID AND THE LADY" For Popular Places to DINE DANCE Roller Skate Horseback Ride Read the "WHERE TO GO" Cohms in the Want Section In Hollywood with Louella Parsons LLYWOOD (INS)- couldHOLE be more surprised to hear that Peggy Diggins, New York's prettiest Irish girl, has signed contract with Warner Brothers. Let me tell you about Peggy. 1 was in the New York Stork club in April and my attention was attracted toward a breath-takingly beautiful dark-haired girl. talked with her, and Joseph Connolly, head of King Features, at my request photographed her for the Hearst newspapers. In the Stork club the same evening having supper together were Walter Winchell, John Guenther, Dick Watts and George Jean Nathan, and they all agreed that Peggy really WAS an eyeful.

You'll see her in "Honeymoon for and let me know if you don't think she is lovely. She was also selected by James Montgomery Flagg as the most beautiful Irish girl in the world. She is the "spittin'" image of Vivien Leigh. STOPPED one IN to day see last Louis week. B.

Hope Parsons, won't be cross since she gave me to understand that I wasn't to do anything about movies until I came back on the job. L. B. tells M-G-M has bought "Balloon Busters," by Norman Hall, from RKO for Robert Taylor. Remember RKO made a great fuss over its purchase and as soon as Pan Berman joined M-G-M he suggested the story for Bob Taylor.

It's about Frank Luke, who won the Congressional Medal in the last war by bringing down German balloons. A great story about a 100 per cent American hero which should be swell for Bob. SUSAN Morning GLASPELL'S is Near novel. Us." which has already sold one hundred thousand copies, has been bought by Columbia at a recordbreaking price. Susan, who comes from Davenport, Iowa, and who FOR THE MOST ligur END THURSDAY At Hawkeye Downs Cedar Rapids THE ANNUAL AMERICAN LEGION FOURTH-OF-JULY CELEBRATION Free Beef Barbecue Noon be 1 73.

Everybody JALOPY AMATEUR DERBY BOXING 304 Evening Thrilling Events Between Time Trials at Noes lows' Sent FIREWORKS AT NIGHT Gigantic. Breath-taking Display! Carnival Concessions Rides! Adults 40c Children Free Perking el P. at AT THE LEAST COST miler GO IN YOUR LAH It's "Fair" Weather this summer with both World's Fairs bigger and better than last year, It's SEE AMERICA weather. Whatever your vacation plan. take your own car." You go in open-air comfort and you go as you please, without thought of time tables, without worry about stop-overs.

To start the trip right, and to keep it trouble-free and enjoyable, Phillips offers 4 things: 1. Phillips sew 1940 Road Maps mation are yours for the asking NEW Higher Antiknock A 2. 66 Phillips station. Min- Labrication Service road cooditions your cur for extra les of crewel 3. Phillips 66 Motor Oil in the crankcase about off your mind.

Phillips Remember, NEW tically previously the Phillips NEW same had 66 to Poly pay Phillips anti-knock 24 Gas, catra at Poly per regular 66 and difference anti-knock, Black: 66 after costs Shield. stopping nothing for extra. a 66 trial See if tankful Gas, you at with don't the feel increased Orange shel CERTIFIED Clean REST REGISTERED NURSES supervise high standares of at Service Phill- -up with Phillips for Greater Mileage has written many best sellers. won the Litetary Guild selection for April for her novel. Ben Schulberg will produce the which has small town can locale and is about lady who stays away from ber home community for fifteen years.

Columbia thinks it would be ideal for Irene Dunne. So far, Irene hasn't said yes and she hasn't said no. WHAT passing A of host Ben of memories Turpin brings to this writer. I knew Ben long before he became a Mack Sennett comic. He did odd jobs on the old Essanay lot 'in Chicago.

One day a comedy director decided Ben was so funny he put him in a ture. Ben stole the show and from then on his fame mounted. His crossed eyes were one of his great assets and just to look made people laugh. I wish we had comedies today as good those Mack Sennett made with Ben and the other Keystoners. Ben always used to reminisce about those old days with me and about the time he delivered some flowers at house from an actor whom called an unknown admirer.

AT THE THEATERS IOWA "The Awful Truth" with Cary Grant and Irene Dunne: "Lost Horizon" with Ronald Colman and Jane Wyatt. PARAMOUNT Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy in "New Moon" with Mary Boland and H. B. Warner. STATE--Douglas Fairbanks, and Carroll in "Safa "Tear Madeleine, Squad" with Dennis Morgan and John Payne.

PALACE--Bing Crosby and Bob Hope to "The Cisco Kid and the Lady with Cesar Romero and Marjorie Weaver. RIALTO Charlie McCarthy and Edgar Bergen in "Charlie MeCarthy, Johnny Mack Brown in "Chip of the NOTICE OF AD a gift. Games were played following dinner and recipes were written for the bride. Guests were Mrs. Albert Beyer of Wichita, Miss Cleo Stewart of Detroit, Mrs.

Owen Turner, Miss Minnie Lathrop and Miss Mary Clements Marion. Mrs. John Gill and Mrs. Kenneth V. Murdoch were in charge of the dinner arrangements.

F. T. Fox lodge No. of R. will meet Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.

in Memorial Dwaine Cruise, who bas been confined in St. Luke's Cedar Rapids, since June hospital, he was injured in an automobilebicycle collision, underwent an operation Tuesday on his left leg which was fractured in the accident..

The Gazette from Cedar Rapids, Iowa (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.