Setting up classes and adding students | Formative Help Center (2024)

Table of Contents
Important! If you are at a school or district that has a Gold license with Formative, your classes and students may have already been imported by your administrators. Please check with them if you use any rostering system before you create a class. If you don't use a rostering system already, you need to set up your classes in Formative following the steps outlined in this article. If you do use Google Classroom or Clever or Microsoft Teams Classroom, there's no need to manually create a class! Click the link provided for instructions on automatically importing your existing classes. Enter class details These steps should only be used if you do not use Google Classroom, Clever, or MS Teams Classroom for rostering. If you do, skip these steps and import your student roster directly into Formative. Click the corresponding link above to learn how! If your students do not have a Formative account yet If students are in class with you or you want to send a mass email to the class, invite your students to create their own accounts and join your class: If your students have access to email, you can send each of them an invitation from this popup: If your students do not have access to email, you can set up their account with a username and password: If your students already have Formative accounts Invite students to join on their own via a Class join link or join code: Add students using their existing Formative account credentials: How can I tell if my student has accepted the invite? I invited a student by mistake / I entered an incorrect email for a student - what do I do? My student can not be added / join my class, what to do? The class is not showing up on my students' home page, what happened? What does it mean to "clone" a class? Cloning from the main Classes page Cloning from the Student Management page What does it mean to "Lock" a class? Where can I find the join link/code to give to students? FAQs

Important! If you are at a school or district that has a Gold license with Formative, your classes and students may have already been imported by your administrators. Please check with them if you use any rostering system before you create a class.

Learn how to

  • Create a class and edit it with details to help with sorting

  • Add or invite students

  • Troubleshoot common issues

This article also has some class-creation tips in the troubleshooting section, including how to clone your classes.

If you don't use a rostering system already, you need to set up your classes in Formative following the steps outlined in this article. If you do use Google Classroom or Clever or Microsoft Teams Classroom, there's no need to manually create a class! Click the link provided for instructions on automatically importing your existing classes.

To create a new class, you can choose one of the following three methods:

  1. From your "Home" tab, click the "Create +" button, and then "Create New Class":

    Setting up classes and adding students | Formative Help Center (1)

  2. From your "Activities" tab you can also click the new class icon on the far right of the classes grid (you may need to scroll to the right):

    Setting up classes and adding students | Formative Help Center (2)

  3. From your "Classes" tab, click the "Create +" button, and then "Create New Class":

    Setting up classes and adding students | Formative Help Center (3)

    Enter class details

    In the pop-up window that will open:

    1. Enter the name of your class. Your students and administrators (if you are part of a Gold school) can see this.

    2. Class color is the background color for the class icon and is just an easy way to help you distinguish your classes from one another.

    3. Enter a two-letter abbreviation for the class or pick an icon. This abbreviation or icon will appear later on your Formatives tab classes grid.

    4. Pick a grade and a subject to enable sorting classes and student responses. This will be especially helpful if you teach multiple grades/subjects or if you are part of a Gold school. You can tag more than one!

    5. Pick your Org! (Not sure what to put here? Ask your administrator for guidance.)

    6. Finalize the process by clicking the blue "Create Class" button at the bottom of the window

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Any of these settings can be updated later if needed. If you are teaching multiple subjects to the same students, check out the troubleshooting tips section below for information on how to clone classes you created!

Next, add or invite students!

These steps should only be used if you do not use Google Classroom, Clever, or MS Teams Classroom for rostering. If you do, skip these steps and import your student roster directly into Formative. Click the corresponding link above to learn how!

Once your class has been created, the method you will choose to add a student to the class will depend on whether the student already has a Formative account, or if they have yet to set one up. Both processes start on the "Classes" tab.

To start, go to your "Classes" tab and click on the title of the class (or on the triple dots at the top right corner of the Class tile) to navigate to the Student Management page:

Setting up classes and adding students | Formative Help Center (5)

On the Student Management page you'll be re-directed to, click on "Add Students":

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A popup window will open:

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If your students do not have a Formative account yet

(If they already have accounts, skip ahead.)

You'll be able to create your students' accounts on their behalf, or send them an invitation to create their own accounts and join your class independently. Either method will work.

If students are in class with you or you want to send a mass email to the class, invite your students to create their own accounts and join your class:

  1. Provide your students with the Join link appearing at the top of the pop-up window and ask them to enter it into their browser's URL bar.

  2. If they do not yet have a Formative account they will be prompted to sign-up for an account.


  1. Provide them with the Join code

  2. Direct them to

  3. They will be immediately prompted to enter the 6 character join code

  4. If they do not yet have a Formative account they will be prompted to sign-up for an account.

Setting up classes and adding students | Formative Help Center (8)

If your students have access to email, you can send each of them an invitation from this popup:

  1. Enter the student's first and last name

  2. Enter their email address
    (you can also copy/paste the information from a CSV file to enter multiple students at once)

  3. Your student(s) will receive an email letting them know that an account has been created for them. They can then login to Formative.

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If your students do not have access to email, you can set up their account with a username and password:

  1. Enter the student's first and last name.

  2. Enter a username for them.

  3. Set up a password for the student. As long as the password is not weak, you can use any combination you'd like. You can keep it simple to start with, you can reset it at any time.
    (you can also copy/paste the information from a CSV file to enter multiple students at once)

  4. Provide your students with the username and password you've created for them so they could login to their newly created Formative account.

Note: If the username you've chosen is already taken, you'll get an error message and have to pick a different one.

Setting up classes and adding students | Formative Help Center (10)

If your students already have Formative accounts

You have the option to either add your students to your class manually or send them an invitation to join your class on their own.

Invite students to join on their own via a Class join link or join code:

Provide your students with the Join link appearing at the top of the pop-up window and ask them to enter it into their browser's URL bar. When logged in to their Formative account the class will be immediately added to it.


  1. Provide them with the Join code

  2. Direct them to

  3. They will be immediately prompted to enter the 6 character class join code

  4. When logged into their Formative account the class will be immediately added to it.

Setting up classes and adding students | Formative Help Center (11)

Add students using their existing Formative account credentials:

  1. Enter the student's first and last name.

  2. Enter the student's email address or username (depending on their individual accounts)
    (you can also copy/paste the information from a CSV file to enter multiple students at once)

  3. If the student already has a Formative account the username can be reused for multiple classes. It's verified by matching the first and last name. You will not be able to enter a password because the student already has one.

Setting up classes and adding students | Formative Help Center (12)

How can I tell if my student has accepted the invite?

Access the Student Management page. Students who accepted the invite will appear under the default "Enrolled Students" list. You can check the "Last Seen" column to find out if these students have logged in to their accounts yet or not. You can switch to the "Invited Students" list to view the students you've sent an invitation to but have not yet accepted it by clicking on "More Options" and then on "Show invited students" (to go back to your active students list, click on "More Options" and then on "Hide invited students"):

Setting up classes and adding students | Formative Help Center (13)

I invited a student by mistake / I entered an incorrect email for a student - what do I do?

If you've invited a student by mistake, or accidentally entered an incorrect email address and the student has not accepted the invitation yet, you can cancel the invitation:

  1. Click on "More Options" and then "Show invited students"

  2. Check mark the box next to the student's name

  3. Click on "Remove invite" from the menu at the bottom of the page

  4. Confirm that you want to remove the invitation for the student

Setting up classes and adding students | Formative Help Center (14)

If the student already accepted the invitation, you can archive them from the class:

  1. Check mark the box next to the student's name

  2. Click on "Archive" from the menu at the bottom of the page

  3. Confirm archiving the student

Setting up classes and adding students | Formative Help Center (15)

My student can not be added / join my class, what to do?

If, for some reason, a student has accidentally created a Teacher account on Formative instead of a Student account - you will not be able to add them to your class until they have deleted the Teacher account. In this case, a message will appear on your screen informing you of the issue and providing a link to the solution

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The class is not showing up on my students' home page, what happened?

New classes will be first added to the students' "inactive classes" list.

This list includes all classes that have not been active in the last 3 months. "Active" within Formative means that a formative has been assigned to the class.

The class will automatically move to the "active classes" list on the students' home page once a formative has been assigned to it.

If the class is not showing up in the "active classes" list, ask your students to check their inactive classes list by clicking on the gear icon at the top right corner of their home page and choosing "show inactive classes".

What does it mean to "clone" a class?

If you're teaching multiple subjects to the same students, you can create a copy of the class and rename it for the content area (i.e. Social Studies). This will help keep your data separate and organized in the Tracker too.

Cloning a class can be done both from the main Classes page and from the Student Management page:

Cloning from the main Classes page

  1. From the classes page, click the 3 dots menu next to the class you'd like to clone

  2. Choose "Clone" from the dropdown list

  3. You will be prompted to enter the details for this class, finish by clicking "Create" at the bottom of this pop-up window

  4. You will then be able to easily transfer all students into the cloned class. You can even de-select students if you do not need to transfer all of them, and/or add students from other existing classes to this new cloned class!

Setting up classes and adding students | Formative Help Center (17)

Cloning from the Student Management page

  1. From the student management page, click on "More Options"

  2. Choose "Clone" from the dropdown list

  3. You will be prompted to enter the details for this class, finish by clicking "Create" at the bottom of this pop-up window

  4. You will then be able to easily transfer all students into the cloned class. You can even de-select students if you do not need to transfer all of them, and/or add students from other existing classes to this new cloned class!

Setting up classes and adding students | Formative Help Center (18)

What does it mean to "Lock" a class?

This is a Silver/Gold feature that prevents new students from joining the class. You can lock or unlock a class at any time. This action can be taken from the Student Management page.

Tip: Locking your class(es) will also prevent you from making any accidental changes.

  1. From your student management page, click "More Options"

  2. Choose "Lock" from the dropdown menu

  3. Need to unlock? Click "More Options" again and choose "Unlco*k" from the dropdown menu

Setting up classes and adding students | Formative Help Center (19)

Where can I find the join link/code to give to students?

From the student management page, click on "Add students" and the modal will pop on your screen:

The Join Link and the Join Code will appear at the top of the modal.

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Assign a Formative

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Setting up classes and adding students | Formative Help Center (2024)


How can you add students to your classroom? ›

Invite students
  1. Tap Classroom .
  2. Tap the class Settings.
  3. Next to Invite link, choose an option: To automatically add the link to a message, tap Share. select an app, such as Gmail. The link is automatically added to your message. ...
  4. Send the message with the link to your students.

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Add students to a class

The student will show "pending" until they login to Canvas and accept the invite. Students will need to accept the invite. Once student has accepted invite, select the course in Canvas and click "Actively Learn" to open and sync the roster update to your Actively Learn roster.

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How do I encourage participation?
  1. Foster an ethos of participation. ...
  2. Teach students skills needed to participate. ...
  3. Devise activities that elicit participation. ...
  4. Consider your position in the room. ...
  5. Ask students to assess their own participation. ...
  6. Ensure that everyone's contributions are audible.

How to add students in Formative? ›

Invite students to join on their own via a Class join link or join code:
  1. Provide them with the Join code.
  2. Direct them to
  3. They will be immediately prompted to enter the 6 character class join code.
  4. When logged into their Formative account the class will be immediately added to it.

How can I help add kids in my classroom? ›

Allow breaks—for children with ADHD, paying attention takes extra effort and can be very tiring. Allow time to move and exercise. Minimize distractions in the classroom. Use organizational tools, such as a homework folder, to limit the number of things the child has to track.

Can you manually add students to teachable? ›

You could always manually add students one by one to your courses—or you could save a whole lot of time with bulk importing, only available on the Business plan.

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8 Teaching Strategies to Engage Students in the Classroom
  1. Begin the lesson with an interesting fact. ...
  2. Exude enthusiasm when delivering a lesson. ...
  3. Find meaningful connections. ...
  4. Converse with students—don't talk at them. ...
  5. Turn lessons into games. ...
  6. Turn lessons into stories. ...
  7. Maintain close proximity and eye contact. ...
  8. Offer choices.

How do you incorporate active learning in the classroom? ›

There are tons of ways to incorporate active learning into your classroom. Common strategies include question-and-answer sessions, discussion, interactive lecture (in which students respond to or ask questions during the lecture), quick writing assignments, and experiential learning.

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Classroom Management Techniques and Tips
  • Begin to establish an effective environment on the first day of class. ...
  • Interact with students regularly. ...
  • Hold your students accountable. ...
  • Use proximity. ...
  • Nip minor disruptions in the bud. ...
  • Avoid sarcasm. ...
  • Talk privately with the disruptive student. ...
  • Confront inappropriate language.

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Shaping the Environment
  • Start With the Classroom. ...
  • Set Expectations. ...
  • Learn and Use Students' Names. ...
  • Share Responsibility for Participation. ...
  • Use a Variety of Teaching Methods. ...
  • Prepare and Organize. ...
  • Consider If/How Participation is Graded. ...
  • Use Cues.

How do I add students to my classroom app? ›

You can invite students to enroll in your class in 3 ways:
  1. Send an invite link—Students click the link to join. This feature is rolling out over the next week.
  2. Send an email invite—Students can join from the email or in Classroom.
  3. Share a class code—Students enter the code in Classroom.

What is the difference between a Formative and a summative assessment? ›

Formative assessments have low stakes and usually carry no grade, which in some instances may discourage the students from doing the task or fully engaging with it. The goal of summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or benchmark.

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From the home page, click on the Class Builder button.

How can students join a classroom class? ›

After you get the code, follow these steps:
  • Go to and click Sign In. Sign in with your Google Account. ...
  • Make sure to sign in with the correct account. ...
  • At the top, click Join class .
  • Enter the class code from your teacher and click Join.

Can I add students to my Google Classroom without inviting them? ›

Students are not technically enrolled in your class until they accept the invitation. Students may either accept through a link in their school email or if they already have the Google Classroom app on their phones, they can accept through the notification. Once they accept, they become part of your class.

How do I add students to a Teams classroom? ›

Add students

next to your class team. Select Add member. Type in the name of the student and choose them from the list for them to be added to the class. When all students have been selected, choose the Add button.

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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

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Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.