Sea of Thieves: Athena's Run of Thieves' Haven Guide - Rare Thief (2024)

Calling all Pirate Legends! The time has come for you to test your pirate skills with brand new Pirate Legend content introduced in the Heart of Fire update!

The Pirate Lord has become troubled by the rising threat of Flameheart in the Sea of Thieves. Wanting to get ahead of this impending danger, he has decided to seek out the worthiest of Pirate Legends through a trial by fire Athena’s Run Voyage.

For these Athena’s Run Voyages, the Pirate Lord has buried ancient treasures all over Thieves’ Haven! He is offering Athena’s Fortune reputation—as well as gold—to any pirate who can successfully find and sell these treasures to the Mysterious Stranger.

Sea of Thieves: Athena's Run of Thieves' Haven Guide - Rare Thief (1)

To that end, the Pirate Lord has partnered with Duke to sell Athena’s Run Voyages to any Pirate Legend looking to partake in the new adventure. These Voyages will lead you to the Pirate Lord’s buried treasures.

The basic structure of the Athena’s Run voyage is very similar to last year’s Reaper’s Run Voyages (ICYMI: Reaper’s Run at Wanderer’s Refuge and Reaper’s Run at Shipwreck Bay).

We love these voyages because you become intimately acquainted with the featured island, and this voyage features one of our all-time favorite islands: Thieves’ Haven!

Aye, you will spend three chapters of the voyage exploring Thieves’ Haven in x-marks-the-spot quests. These Xs have precious Ancient Fortune treasure buried beneath them!

Sea of Thieves: Athena's Run of Thieves' Haven Guide - Rare Thief (2)

The other two chapters in the voyage will take you to nearby islands to solve riddles. Each chapter guarantees at least one of the new Athena’s treasures!

Aye! There are six new Athena’s treasures to find and sell!

The new items are:

  • Chalice of Ancient Fortune
  • Gilded Relic of Ancient Fortune
  • Skull of Ancient Fortune
  • Villainous Skull of Ancient Fortune
  • Crate of Legendary Voyages
  • Keg of Ancient Black Powder

When sold to the Mysterious Stranger, each treasure rewards gold and Athena’s Fortune reputation—if needed.

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The Pirate Lord is looking for the most worthy of Pirate Legends to share all the ancient treasure with so this voyage will not be free as with previous Mercenary Voyages. You can purchase the Athena’s Run Voyage for 50 doubloons.

There will be a few surprises along the way! You can expect Shadows of Fate to appear during the riddle quests guarding the Collector’s Chest. They are not necessary to defeat but dispatching of them will result in a Skull or Villainous Skull of Ancient Fortune!

You will also have to be on your toes for small hoards of keg-wielding skeletons waiting to ambush you on Thieves’ Haven. Some of them are carrying a Keg of Ancient Black Powder so you will have to have some steady aim to grab the keg for yourself!

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What if I am not a Pirate Legend?

If you are not a Pirate Legend yourself you can still partake in the voyage by joining a crew with at least one Pirate Legend who can purchase the voyage.

If you can’t find one, you can always patrol Thieves’ Haven looking for other crews running the voyage. You will know what kind of loot to expect and can intercept them! Take the loot for yourself and sell it to the Mysterious Stranger. You will receive the gold and reputation as if you were already a Pirate Legend!

Now that we have an overview of what to expect in an Athena’s Run voyage, let’s dig in and go through chapter by chapter!

Chapter 1: X Marks the Spot Quest

The first chapter of this Athena’s Run Voyage takes place on Thieves’ Haven. You will receive an x-marks-the-spot quest in your Map radial.

Sea of Thieves: Athena's Run of Thieves' Haven Guide - Rare Thief (5)

It will have three Xs to mark the treasures you must unearth. You can expect to find Mermaid Gems, a Keg of Ancient Black Powder, Chalices of Ancient Fortune and Gilded Relics of Ancient Fortune as you complete the quest.

During your quest to dig up the treasure found on Thieves’ Haven, it wouldn’t hurt to grant a skeleton the joy of killing you. The green flame you will subsequently collect from the Ferry of the Damned will be helpful in the next chapter…

Sea of Thieves: Athena's Run of Thieves' Haven Guide - Rare Thief (6)

Chapter 2: Riddle Quest

The second chapter will have you completing a Riddle quest for a nearby island such as Crook’s Hollow, Snake Island or Devil’s Ridge.

Sea of Thieves: Athena's Run of Thieves' Haven Guide - Rare Thief (7)

Head to the island and follow the Riddle quest to each landmark or rock painting. If you get stuck on any of the riddles, be sure to check out our Riddle Guide that has almost every single riddle related landmark and rock painting found in the Sea of Thieves!

Upon solving the final riddle clue, you will dig up a Collector’s Chest that could have anything from Mermaid Gems, Skulls, or Trinkets. The Skull and Trinkets could even be of the new Athena’s Ancient Fortune variety.

Sea of Thieves: Athena's Run of Thieves' Haven Guide - Rare Thief (8)

As we warned, you will be met with a pesky Shadow of Fate skeleton. This Shadow of Fate will be green meaning you will need to have been killed by a skeleton to acquire the green Flame of Fate.

If you can acquire the proper flame, hold it up to the skeleton to make it vulnerable. Defeat it and it will drop a Skull of Ancient Fortune! Leaving it be will not prevent you from completing the voyage though. If you don’t have the flame you will just be missing out on an Ancient Fortune skull.

Sea of Thieves: Athena's Run of Thieves' Haven Guide - Rare Thief (9)

Chapter 3: X Marks the Spot Quest

Time to head back to Thieves’ Haven! The third chapter in this Athena’s Run Voyage will have you solving another x-marks-the-spot quest on Thieves’ Haven. This time you will have six Xs for six pieces of treasure.

Sea of Thieves: Athena's Run of Thieves' Haven Guide - Rare Thief (10)

You will be digging up Mermaid Gems and some more Ancient Fortune treasure. Keep an eye out for a horde of skeletons with powder keys while you are digging up your treasure! This loot is worth protecting!

Sea of Thieves: Athena's Run of Thieves' Haven Guide - Rare Thief (11)

While last time we suggested that you collect the green Flame of Fate before heading over to do your riddle quest, this time we recommend acquiring the red Flame of Fate.

Throw a couple of firebombs at your feet or fellow crew member to be sent to the Ferry of the Damned and collect the red flame!

Sea of Thieves: Athena's Run of Thieves' Haven Guide - Rare Thief (12)

Chapter 4: Riddle Quest

The fourth and second to last chapter will have you completing a Riddle quest for a nearby island such as Crook’s Hollow, Snake Island or Devil’s Ridge.

Upon solving the final riddle clue, you will dig up a Collector’s Chest that will have Mermaid Gems and Trinkets as well as a possible piece of Ancient Fortune treasure.

You should encounter another Shadow of Fate. This will be a red Shadow of Fate. Use that red Flame of Fate you got from dying by fire or lava and make that skeleton vulnerable. The skull is posses will be yours in no time!

Sea of Thieves: Athena's Run of Thieves' Haven Guide - Rare Thief (13)

Final Chapter: X Marks the Spot Quest

The fifth and final chapter will have you ending this grand voyage at Thieves’ Haven with a total of nine Xs to dig up. You will be digging up some of the best loot the voyage has to offer such as Ruby Mermaid Gems and Villainous Skulls of Ancient Fortune.

Sea of Thieves: Athena's Run of Thieves' Haven Guide - Rare Thief (14)

Once you have finished the quest head to Plunder Outpost nearby. The Mysterious Stranger awaits you in the tavern. Sell all of the Athena’s treasure to him for plenty of gold, reputation and a few commendations.

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While receiving doubloons for completing the monthly voyage from Duke is always nice, this new Athena’s Run voyage has something extra to go along with it!

Ghost Ship Cosmetics

There are brand new Ghost ship cosmetics up for grabs! You can now find the Ghost Cannon, Ghost Capstan and Ghost Wheel for sale in the Pirate Legend Hideout at the shipwright. They cost a pretty penny so be sure to turn in as much loot as you can while you complete your Athena’s Run voyages.

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Sea of Thieves: Athena's Run of Thieves' Haven Guide - Rare Thief (17)
Sea of Thieves: Athena's Run of Thieves' Haven Guide - Rare Thief (18)


Costumes you ask? Yes! The first ever costume has just been introduced to the Sea of Thieves!

Completing the Athena’s Run of Thieves’ Haven voyage five times will reward you with a title that will unlock the Legendary Treasure Seeker costume!

We love that we have options now for a complete look and can’t wait to see what further costumes Rare adds over time!

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Running with Legends at Thieves’ Haven – Complete the Athena’s Run of Thieves’ Haven Voyage. (25 doubloons)

Ruling with Legends at Thieves’ Haven – Complete the Athena’s Run of Thieves’ Haven Voyage 5 times. (50 doubloons)

Shiny Loot of Legends – Sell Chalices of Ancient Fortune as a Pirate Legend.

Gilded Loot of Legends – Sell Gilded Relics of Ancient Fortune as a Pirate Legend.

Spooky Loot of Legends – Sell Skulls of Ancient Fortune as a Pirate Legend.

Villainous Loot of Legends – Sell Villainous Skulls of Ancient Fortune as a Pirate Legend.

Mercantile Loot of Legends – Sell Crates of Legendary Voyages as a Pirate Legend.

Explosive Loot of Legends – Sell Kegs of Ancient Black Powder as a Pirate Legend.

Sea of Thieves: Athena's Run of Thieves' Haven Guide - Rare Thief (2024)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.