Pittston Gazette from Pittston, Pennsylvania (2024)

MARIGAGES Why lose sleep about how to pay off old-fashioned mortrages? Save money by letting us transform and stream. line your mortgage into modern amortized ment that will let you joy real home ownership. Stop in the 1. ext Time You Are in Town and We Will Talk it Over! FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS INSURED AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF PITTSTON 9 SOUTH MAIN STREET PITTSTON, PA. Next to Roman Theatre Personal Mention Pittaton youths were hondischarged within recent from the U.

8. Navel Training Bainbridge, G. RT 1-0, Pittston; Charles C. Schulthels, SF 1-0, Pittston; and A. Fabrizio, Pittston.

Marie Arnone, Me, Niagara and Mrs. Falls, and Vincent Salvatore ArMangione, 146 South Main Pittston, were married Nov. St. Joseph'e Chunch, Niagara by Rt. Rev.

Megr. P. J. Tronolone. Mr.

and Mrs. William Brodbeck, street, Hughestown, were pleasantly surprised at four o'clock morning when they received telephone call from Honolulu from their son, Donald, who has been stationed in the Pacific on the U. Ronquil submarine, Thomas J. Tirva, Carpenter's Mate 3-e of 39 Dininny has home from Japan after 18 months overseas. He is the -husband of the former caret: Andrew.

Albert Hoag, of Pottsville, has returned to his home after ing the week-end at the home of Miss Shirley Huber, of Wood street. Mr. Hoag has recently been discharged after four years in the Service. 3-0 and Mrs. Sam Morrelli, Bast Frothingham street, announce the birth of son this morning at Pittston Hospital.

is now stationed in Japan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Kennedy, Radolitte street, will have as guests for the Christmas holidays their daughter, Miss CathKennedy; New York, and son, John Kennedy, a student Philadelphia School of InArts. The latter recently his honorable discharge military service after serving fourteen months in the ETO operations.

Michael F. D'Ella, 85 Parsonage was honorably discharged the United States Army yes. at Fort McPherson, months' service with 418th as a radio He a son of Frank of the Parsonage street He is entitled to wear the Good Conduct Medal, the Theater Ribbon and Pre-Pearl ribbon. He had been of a service station here collating. After three years service, Henry Powell, son of Mrs.

Powell. of Searle street, been honorably discharged the Seabees. Veteran of the Pacific area, he 1s one of three brothers in the service. Stanley Powell, previously discharged. and now at Fort Dix awaiting George W.

Barrett, vetfour years' service with Army Medical Corps. two years that time in the Pacific area, been honorably discharged service. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Barrett, of Pittston Townhe is husband of the former Barbara Conrad, of Wilkes-Barre.

Miss Mary Donnelly, of 58 Butstreet, was guest of honor at bridge-dinner held the Club by members of her card club. Table decorations followed the holiday theme and, dinner, the group played cards. Miss Donnelly presented with gift. Those present were: Sally Gorman, Evelyn Moore, Gertrude Moore. Claire.

Conroy, Helen Oliver, Esthes Me Ha'e, Helen Touhill, Ann' Nutty. Connell and the guest Shon Sarnu Bonita, son of Mrs. Bonita, 22 Rock street, has honorably dis from GEN, MARSHALL LEAVES FOR CHINA- -Gen. of the Army George C. Marshall, right, receives farewell greeting from Dr.

Wel Tao-ming, Chinese Ambassador to the United States, in Washington, before boarding plane to China where he will serve as President Truman's personal envoy. Local Gleanings THE MONTHLY MEETING OF the direcions of the United Charities will be held at 9 Water street tomorrow afternoon at four clock. TOMORROW WILL BE LADIES Day at the Y.M.C.A. The pool will be open from 3 until 9. There will be no roller until Jan.

9th. THE MISSIONARY CIRCLE OF the First Baptist Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Edmund Evans tonight at 7:30 o'clock. THE FUNERAL OF EMILIO Talipan, of 39 Pine street, will be held tomorrow morning at nine o'clock, with a mass of requiem at 9.30 in Sit. Rocco's Church.

Interment wiN be in St. John's Cemetery. THE ANNUAL CHRISTMAS Party of Pittston Rotary Club tor crippled children will be held at the Y. M. C.

A. tomorrow at 12:16. A turkey dinner will be served, and there will be a program of tainment. THE MEN'S FELLOWSHIP Club of the First Presbyterian Church will hold a Christmas party in the church this evening, eto which all men of the church and their families are invited. THE FUNERAL OF MRS.

Sarah DeForte, of 46 East Oak street, will be held from the home Thursday morning, with services at 9:80 In St. James' Episcopal Church. Interment will be in Forty Fort Independent Cemetery. WILLIAM A. GALLAGHER.

OF Trucksville, and Frank Correale, of Hazleton, have been reappointed members of the County Prison Board for a -year term by the county court. REV. DR. HENRY H. CRANE, of Detroit, fornterly of Scranton, will be the speaker at the annual St.

John's Day banquet of Landmark Lodge of Masons at Hotel Sterling tomorrow evening at 6:30. PITTSTON CAMP, NO. 17. Spanish War Veterans, elect officers for the ensuing year this evening at 8 o'clock at a meetting to be held at 61 South Main street. R.

J. McKane, adjutant. RAYMOND A. WILSON LODGE, No. 124, Ladies' Society of the B.

of L. F. will meet tomororw afternoon in Jr. 0. U.

A. M. hall. There will be nomination and election of officers, followed by Christmas party. SCRANTON SCHOOL BOARD has secured a loan of $239,000 at the lowest rate on record-one and one-sixth per cent, when the lum 18 taken into consideration.

THE FUNERAL OF BERNARD J. Finneran, 10 Kennedy street, will be 9 o'clock tomorrow morning from the Donnelly Funeral Home, West Pittston. There will be a requiem mass at 9:30. o'clock in St. John the Evangelist R.

C. Church. Interment, parish cemetery. THE FUNERAL OF MRS. Sarah DeForte will be held tomorrow morning from the home, 45 East Oak street.

Services will be conducted in St. James' Episcopal Church at 9:30 o'clock with Rev. Robert Klein, Wilkes- Barre, Burtal will be in Denison Cemetery, Forty Fort. PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF PITTSton City will close Friday, at the close of the' regular afternoon session, for the Christmas holidays and will resume on Thursday, uary 3rd, it was announced by Superintendent Elizabeth G. Battle.

The schpols of Pittston Township and Jenkins Township will have no sessions on Friday. THOMAS KENNEDY, INTERnational secretary-treasurer of the United Mine Workers, and H. J. Connolly, of the Pennsylvania Coal arrived 1 home yesterday from London, England, where they attended government management and labor conferences. They returned by Pan-American plane, leaving England Sunday at 9 p.

m. and landing at LaGuardia Fleld, New York, yesterday afternoon at one o'clock, FREE PHONE CALLS Phoenixville, Dec. -distance Christmas telephone calls will be permitted for every patient in the Army's Valley Forge General Hospital. About 1.200 men will remain in the hospital for Christmas. Many other patients will go home.

BUY VICTORY BONDS AND STAMPS! LONDON SQUARE CLOTHES FOR MEN CASH CRE WARSHAL BROS. MAIN Xmas Program By Miss Smiles' Kindergarten The 1 morning group of Miss Olive R. Smiles' Kindergarten will present a Christmas program in the Temple Club rooms, on Water street, Thursday afternoon at two o'clock. The program includes Song of Greeting and "Pledge to the Flag." Several Christmas song will be rendered by the school. Theer wil be recitations by Carlene Hislop, Scripkunas, Julie Cotter, Billy Eckert, May Jean and Nancy Lee Ludwig, Allan Wicks, Mary Jean Clifford Stark, Lots Oliver, Patrick Nichol, Evert Green, Charles.

Valenti, John McHale, Michael Leahy, Patrick Joseph Mann, Charles Thomas Depuy, Jo Ana Graziano. There will be recitations by Car. Barbara Evans and Billy Bohn: dialogue by Jack'e De Marco, Ned Wicks and Thomas Evans, and dialogue by Sally Ann Adrian, Rochelle Haimes, Rosemary Spohrer, Carole Orscheeki, Mary Florence DeSanto, Mary Theresa Dail. eda, Carole Ann Abate, Frances English, Louise Phethean and Mary Ann Loftus, with Jackie Granahan as Santa. Pfc.

Robert Grace Winds Up Service In U. S. Infantry Pic. Robert Grace, husband of the former Catherine O'Malley, 189 Factory street, Avoca, and son of Me. and Mrs.

John J. Grace, 151 William street, has been honorably discharged from the United States Army at Salt Lake City, Utah. Private Grace had been in serve ice for nineteen months and served overseas in the European Theater of Operations. He was a prisoner of war of the German government for five months at Rabenaw Prison Camp. He received his basic training at Camp Blanding, member of an infantry division the army and was sent overseas as a replacement in the 28th vania Division.

He is entitled to wear the ETO ribbon with the Ardennes and Rhineland battle stars, the Victory Medal and the Combat Infantry Badge. JOHN AMERY TO BE HANGED London, Dec. Secretary James Chuter Ede said no. reprieve would be. granted to John Amery and that the Nazi radio propagandist would be hanged Wednesday for high treason.

Amery is a son of L. S. Amery, Secretary of State for India in the Churchill cabinets. MINE WORKER KILLED Stanley Sowa, aged 48 years, of 56 Orchard street, Glen Lyon, was Instantly killed yesterday by a fall of rock in Stearns shaft, Susquehanna Collieries Co. Born in mie, he had been a resident of Glen Lyon for 24 years.

He served as soldier in the First World War. OVERCOME BY GAS Mrs. Lenore Haas, aged 59 years, of 13 Hayes lane, Wilkes-Barre, 1s being treated in hospital after having been overcome by gas from a kitchen range in her home. Her condition has been quite serious. TREASURY BALANCE Washington, Dec.

bal- ance, 1945, 1944, $20,175,126,630.08. The use of diesel locomotives Is increasing rapidly In the United States; from 1932 to 1944 inclusive, onders were placed for 4,388 d'esel locomotives as compared with 237 steam and 270 electric. NO SMOKING! Watch that fat! When you see it smoking in the skillet, turn off the gas. Smoking indicates that tat is beginning to break down chemically, and will 8001 develop a disagreeable flavor so that it cannot be reused for cooking. If the worst happens, however, and the fat is ruined, all is not lost.

Deposit the discredited brown mess in your ased fat container and turn. It over to the meat dealer for four (instead of two) ration points per pound. Because of its value, it can still work you. DECEMBER 18 1945 Christmas Club NOW OPEN A Christmas Club Check Gives You Money When You Need It Most It is the easiest way to provide Funds with which to pay FOR Plan Now CHRISTMAS NEEDS To Meet Next Year's Demands By Joining One of These Clubs Members paying 25 cents a week for TAXES Fifty Weeks will receive 12.50 Members paying 50 cents a week for Fifty Weeks will receive .25.00 Member paying $1.00 a week for INSURANCE Fifty Weeks will receive 50.00 PREMIUMS Members paying $2.00 a week for Fifty Weeks will $100.00 Members paying $5.00 a week for Fifty Weeks will receive $250.00 MORTGAGE Members paying $10.00 a week for Fifty Weeks will receive $500.00 INTEREST FOR THE EASY ROUTE TO CHRISTMAS CASE OPEN A FIRST NATIONAL CHRISTMAS CLUB NOW! FIRST NATIONAL BANK PITTSTON, PENNA. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE: SYSTEM: MEMBER OF THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION: A the army' at the Indiantown Gap Separation Center after more than three years' service.

He was recently returned from the European Theater of Operations, where he served for $1 months. Veteran of two European campaigns, served with the 79th "Cross of Lorraine" Division. This division turned in an impressive resord in the Normandy campaigo and was the first division to cross the Seine river on the march to Paris. In addition to his combat duty he served in Africa, Italy and Germany. BonIta wears the Good Conduct medal, Presidential Unit Citation, European Theater ribbon, with two campaign stars, and World War I Victory medal.

Pic. Frank P. Walt, serving with Co. 116th Medical Battalton, sende greetings to a neighbor on the Gazette news staff from his station at Kune Naval Base, Japan. He says that he gets the Gazette regularly, ten thousand miles from home.

He would like to know there are any other Pittston soldiers with the 41st Division and would appreciate their addresses. The young man le the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. WeN, 138 Butter street.

First Lt. Jacob Schiftman. son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schiftman, 104 William street, has been honorably discharged from the army after four years and n'ne months of service.

He expecte to resume his law practice in the near future. Lieutenant Schiffman enlisted in the 109th Field Artillery In February, 1941. He received training at Indiantown Gap and served In several southern camps. He was at Fort Jackson, 8. when he received his discharge.

During most of the time in the service he served as en instructor th feld artillery and as member of the general court martial board at Fotr Bragg, N. C. Colin Mackenzie At Kiwanis Club Pitteton Kiwanis Club had their guests last evening a ber of the members of the Rotary Club, who were invited to hear an outstanding speaker. Colin Mackendie is a 27-year-old Merchant rine, who had some thrilling experiences in the Second World War and who has written a very popular war story. His story of h's war experiences made very ing address and gave an ineight to.

what the men of the Merchant Marine went through in their efforts to get supplies through to the armed forces. FARM HOUSES IDLE Harrisburg, Dec. housing in Pennsylvania could be if thousands of vacant farm homes would be occupied, Gov. Edward Martin said today. "We have thousands of fine farm houses in Pennsylvania that are empty and there are no takers," Martin said in referring to the present acute housing shortage.

"The farm is fine and dent place to be." The chief executive expressed confidence the housing situation would be relieved in the near ture because chortage was experienced after every war and a lution was found." FINLAND PAYS ON Washington, Dec. is still paying her World War I debt to the United States on time. The Treasury said today that the Finnish government paid the U. S. $258,054.74 Dec.

representing the installment due on that date, Of the total, $90,000 was a ment on principal, the rest being for Interest and annuity payments. No nation but Finland has kept up with her principal and interest on World War I debts to this country. GLASSES ON CREDITI BROKEN LENSES DUPLICATEDI OWN Optometrist Discharged Navy Officer Killed Glenside, Dee. Moser, 27, recently discharged Navy officer, was killed today when he tried to board a Reading Railroad train as it. moved out.

of the Glenside station. Moser was dragged 50 feet by the rear car of the Philadelphia-bound train after his foot wedged in the rear step. FALLS RESIDENT DIES Mrs. Mason Sickler, aged years, of Falls, died suddenly of a heart attack yesterday. She was the former Margaret A.

Gay, and had been resident of Falls for 40 years. She was a member of Dymond Hollow Methodist Church. Surviving are her husband and two sons. Warren and Howard. d.

both residents of Johnson City, Y. The funeral will be held from the home afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, with service at 2:30 in mond Hol'ow Church. Interment in Fitch Cemetery. Eclipse Of Moon At 7:38 Tonight K. the sky is as clear tonight It was last night, there will be wonderful.

sight in the heavens, there will be a complete solipse the moon, starting at 7:38 and until 11:03. The: blackout of the full moon will be caused by the earth's shadow on the moon. The moment of totality will be 8:40, according to the astronomers. TEST SUIT ON OSTEOPATHS Harrisburg, has been ty Court teopathe, act, are sons to state or Dec. -A test suit started in Dauphin to determine whether 08 under the mental health permitted to commit permental institutions, either.

privately owned. QUIET CHRISTMAS FOR GOV. MARTIN Harrisburg, Dec. Ed- ward Martin today planned to spend quiet Christmas here with the commonwealth's first lady. Pointing out that the entire family has not been together at the W.

T. GRANT CO. invites you to SHOP PITTSTONBUY. AT GRANTS The buyers of the W. T.

Grant Co. have scoured the present day markets to bring to you as wide a variety of merchandise as the supply permits. Our assortments of needed merchandise are complete as it is possible to make them and being added to day by day. It is to your advantage to shop Pittston first. IN PITTSTON YOU CAN FIND WHAT YOU WANT! AT A PRICE YOU WISH TO PAY! SAVE MONEY! SAVE NEEDLESS JUGGLING OF HEAVY PARCELS ON CROWDED BUSES! SHOP WITH CONVENIENCE! GRANTS While Shopping in Pittston W.

T. Grant Co. at North Main Street holiday season for seven army. governor said his son, Capt. Murphy was on a mission Martin, was In Europe: with the part of the a Choose Your CHILD'S TOYS From An Outstanding Collection XMAS SPECIAL From GRANTS Carnival Toys Table and Chair Now 10.95 While They La STUDENTS SOLID MAPLE DESK $10- Only A Few Left Largest Selection Baby DOLLS in Town 2.980 7.95 SEE OUR HUGE STOC ALL TYPE BABY DOL W.

T. GRAN 23 North Main.

Pittston Gazette from Pittston, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

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Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.